What I read
Over the past few years, i’ve added quite a few feeds onto my RSS reader. Here is what I now read day to day. One note. To get the list of my feeds, I exported the OPML file from my RSS reader. Then I went to this site to convert the list into HTML. And for some reason the script doesn’t read the OPML files from my preferred reader, NewsFire. So I had to export from Google Reader.
- [RSS]Â A Daily Dose of Architecture
- [RSS]Â A Rinkya Blog
- [RSS]Â Akihabaranews.com
- [RSS]Â Alien Loves Predator
- [RSS]Â all IC blog men in style
- [RSS]Â anArchitecture
- [RSS]Â AppleInsider
- [RSS]Â Autoblog
- [RSS]Â Bargainist
- [RSS]Â Behind the Camera
- [RSS]Â Boing Boing
- [RSS]Â bustler
- [RSS]Â Chase Jarvis Blog
- [RSS]Â ChronoShark – Daily Deal RSS Feed
- [RSS]Â CrunchGear
- [RSS]Â dannychoo.com
- [RSS]Â DIYPhotography.net -DIY Photography and Studio Lighting
- [RSS]Â Download Squad
- [RSS]Â DS Fanboy
- [RSS]Â Engadget
- [RSS]Â FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments
- [RSS]Â Fashion Blog
- [RSS]Â Final Jeopardy
- [RSS]Â flickrdesign
- [RSS]Â Freakonomics
- [RSS]Â FreeNYC, New York City’s Premier Daily Guide to Free and Inexpensive Events – Art Openings, Nightlife, Open Bar, Film Screenings, Sample Sales, Music, and More
- [RSS]Â Gawker
- [RSS]Â Gizmodo
- [RSS]Â Gothamist
- [RSS]Â How to Change the World
- [RSS]Â information aesthetics
- [RSS]Â IvyGate
- [RSS]Â Jalopnik
- [RSS]Â Joystiq
- [RSS]Â Kirainet.com – A geek in Japan
- [RSS]Â Kotaku
- [RSS]Â Lifehacker
- [RSS]Â MAKE Magazine
- [RSS]Â MoCo Loco
- [RSS]Â Neatorama
- [RSS]Â Penny Arcade
- [RSS]Â Photojojo
- [RSS]Â PSDTuts – Photoshop Tutorials and Links
- [RSS]Â PvPonline
- [RSS]Â Racked
- [RSS]Â Scobleizer — Tech geek blogger
- [RSS]Â Scouting NY
- [RSS]Â Strobist
- [RSS]Â suikodraws
- [RSS]Â suikothoughts
- [RSS]Â TechCrunch
- [RSS]Â The Art of Manliness
- [RSS]Â The Best Rate Guarantee Blog – Best Rate Guarantees, Free Hotel Rooms, and Other Travel Deals
- [RSS]Â The Boy Genius Report
- [RSS]Â The Bwog
- [RSS]Â The Sartorialist
- [RSS]Â The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
- [RSS]Â TopGear.com US Blog
- [RSS]Â TreeHugger
- [RSS]Â Trends in Japan
- [RSS]Â Vagant Blog
- [RSS]Â Watchismo Times – A reliquary of obscure timepieces from bygone eras as well as the cutting-edge designs of today
- [RSS]Â Wrist Dreams
- [RSS]Â xkcd.com
- [RSS]Â Yanko Design
- [RSS]Â Zen Habits