What’s in Your Wallet?

Inspired by the “what’s in your bag” Flickr pool, I decided to empty out my wallet and let you guys know what I carry around in it day to day.

What's in My Wallet

from left to right, top row:

Personal Cards: These things have been the most useful things I bought this year. I got these done at Vista Print for a little under 15 bucks. If you haven’t got some for yourself yet, go on and do it. They are a worthwhile investment and totally beat scribbling info onto napkins.

License: Some people walk around without state-issued ID and I think that’s a horrible idea. There just isn’t a good reason to not carry one.

Credit Card: I like making all my purchases on my credit card. I find it easier to manage my expenses this way. Obviously the flipside is that I don’t get the same feeling of guilt that I do when I take bills out of my wallet.

Bank Card: I don’t really use this that often since I use credit. I might even take it out of my wallet for fear of getting mugged at an ATM.

Columbia ID: Another self-explanatory. I need these to get into most buildings. If you are wondering what those stickers are, the TLX sticker is for a locker at the gym, the SPR 09 and FA 08 stickers that prove enrollment at museums and shows where I get free or discounted admission, the CAR and SHP stickers are housing stickers. I currently live in Morris A. Schapiro Hall, hence the SHP sticker.

second row:

Photo: Just a silly photo I took with Sylvia at Six Flags Great Adventure. I miss you Sylvia. Come to NY again!

Hamilton Deli Gold Card: Buy ten sandwiches, get one free. That’s like a 9% savings!!

Spork: I got this off the bottom of a dessert container at the Whole Foods at Time Warner Center.

Metrocard: for the New York Subway

Dorm Key: I fashioned a spare key out of an old Starbucks card and carry that around instead of the original key. So if I lose it, I won’t get charged by the university for a new one.

Multitool: I got this for $3 for two at DealExtreme. It has a can opener, 4 size wrench, and saw blade among other things. It hasn’t come into use yet, but I am sure it will.