My Picks for the Week III

I have just two picks for this week. I’ve been really busy with school. So I haven’t had enough time to compile my picks, but I’ll make up for it next week.

1. Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble Players by Stefan Fatsis: I just picked this book up from the library and it is already seeming pretty interesting. It’s a look into the world of professional Scrabble players. I don’t want to ruin it for anyone. So I’m just going to stop here, but you can look at the Amazon page and see a preview.

2. Alex de Grassi: I downloaded some free tracks from Alex de Grassi off iTunes a little under a year ago, but never got around to listening. A few days ago I was looking through songs in my library that I haven’t listened to and got to a song by Alex called “The Zipper.” I’ve been addicted to it since. Alex is a finger-style guitarist that records under Windham Hill Records. I absolutely love his music and recommend it to anyone who wants some relaxing acoustic music. Check out his wiki page.