Brand new Look and Feel
I have updated my blog theme. You might remember the last theme I had:

Well, it worked for a while, but it had too many images and too much flash (any flash is too much flash). Which meant that it loaded pretty slowly. I spent the last week modifying the excellent Grid Focus theme to suit my taste and added some functionality. I’ll highlight some of the new features:
First, my posts are now categorized for easy finding. Just press the browse button and watch categories magically (actually with the help of jQuery) appear and push the rest of the page down. Go on try it out.

Second, I have implemented captcha to prevent spam bots from emailing me or commenting. The cool thing about reCAPTCHA, the captcha plugin I use, is that instead of just typing in a randomly generated phrase, you are actually helping scan books. Read about it here.

Third I have a calendar that uses AJAX. So, if you switch months, then only the calendar reloads, not the whole site. The center button has a drop down list of posts for the month.
Also, the front page now shows full posts and not summaries. I found that summaries are better suited to news blogs and other sites that post more often.
I hope you guys like the new look. If you have any suggestions or find any problems, then feel free to email me (you can use the contact form!). Thanks!