From My Backyard
I never knew there was so many things worth photographing in Plano. Here is a small collection of photos I took in the last few weeks. And yes most of them are photos of bugs ^^.
First is a photo of these beautiful flowers from our garden. They are actually weeds, but we decided not to get rid of them since they are so pretty.

These are leaves from a beautiful Japanese Maple outside my window. I’ve always had an affinity for maples. They just seem so serene.

One of the dragonflies that dogfight outside my window everyday landed long enough for me to run outside and snap a quick picture.

This seems to be a male ant. He’s been spending a lot of time on this same twig for the last few days. Does anyone know why?

A pretty moth taking a sip from a Crape Myrtle in the font yard. he kept moving his wings to reveal and conceal the orange color.

I forgot what this is. I remember someone telling me that they aren’t dragonflies but instead a close relative.

This guy is cute downright cute. He just stared at me as I got closer and closer to snap a photo.

I think this is a distance marker at the park, but I can’t help but to think that it’s some sort of marker for a Twitter/geohashing mashup.