User Style
I already tweeted about this, but I couldn’t help writing a blog post also.
As most of you know, I read Reddit on a regular basis. Last month, I came across this thread where a Redditor made a custom theme for Reddit. A lot of us suggested that someone should turn the original photoshop mockup into real CSS that could be turned into script. A few people took a crack at it. but one person really nailed it.
Below is what the front page looks like without the script. It isn’t exactly aesthetically appealing.

Here is the front page with the custom script enabled.
This is what one of the subreddits looks like before the script.

And after.

As you can see, with the script enabled, Reddit doesn’t look like a relic from the 90’s anymore. One downside to the new look is that fewer articles fit on the page. I can live with that though.
If you are interested in the script, click here. I found it works great in Firefox with Grease Monkey and Chrome.