Week in NY 11/01-11/08/2010
This week seemed really short. It was probably because we had Monday and Tuesday off.
Dinner on Monday: kimchi quesadillas and homemade guacamole
Dinner on Tuesday: A premade pizza that Phil and I topped
On Wednesday, Ben Horowitz gave a talk on starting a company.
On Thursday during EE Practice, Executive Editor of IEEE Spectrum, Glenn Zorpette gave a talk on the “Tech Singularity”.
Later that day was the basketball mania pep rally. The massive line waiting for freebies and admission to the event.
Free shirts!
Right after basketball mania, we headed over to the Lerner Party Space for Lerner Pub, featuring Columbia’s own BLAXEL.
On Friday, my Grooveshark T-shirt came in!
Saturday was Microsoft College Puzzle Challenge. We did really well, almost placing within the top quarter of the nation and finishing 23 out of 27 puzzles!