Week in NY and Disney World 12/29/2010-1/05/2011 pt. 2

Make sure to read part one first.

On the second day, we slept in a bit and woke up for a day at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The weather (like most other days there) was beautiful.

Animal Kingdom:

At Restaurantasaurus.

An Everest themed ride.

Judging by our faces, Dinosaur was pretty terrifying.

Rhinos decided to pay us a visit during the safari.

After returning to the hotel, we freshened up and headed to Downtown Disney for dinner.

I had a portobello mushroom burger and onion rings. Mmmmm

The next day, we went to the most popular park in the resort, Magical Kingdom.

Caroline and Pascal from Tangled.

Vinny and Caroline sat in front of us on Splash Mountain.

Cinderella Castle to the left and Tomorrowland to the right.

Coins in a pool at It’s a Small World.

The spaceship ride was not designed for two adults. Haha.

Then on the last two days, we explored Epcot, which is my favorite park.

We saw Amelia at the Siemens pavilion.

We each had a card that let us into our hotel room and the parks.

The controls in Mission: Space

China for Lunch

Dinner in Morocco

Some Carcasonne at night.

The best pizza I have had so far this year.

Sea urchin trying to emulate a katamari.

Awake brightand early for the flight back.