Family Trip to Lake Tahoe
Two months ago, my uncle (one of my father’s older brothers) was in town from India. During the weekend, I went on a short trip to Lake Tahoe along with one of my other uncles (who is also one of my dad’s older brothers).
After a short morning drive from the bay area, we arrived at where we would be staying, the Forrest Suites Resort. The great thing about the resort is that it is a short walk from the Heavenly Ski Resort‘s cable car.

Marveling at the cable car:

After checking in at the resort, we went to the beach to soak up the sun and eat lunch.

After lunch, we went on a rather long cable car ride to the top of a mountain.

The views from the top were awesome.

Raghu found a barrel of his favorite drink.

A little chipmunk.

A map of all the slopes you can enjoy during the winter.

Using the decent magnification of the 28-135, I was able to get some psuedo-macro shots of the flowers near the cable car station.

The next day, we woke up and took duck boat tour of the lake and surrounding areas.

This boat is made to launch hot air balloons from the water.

I spotted this SLS AMG in one of the marina parking lots.