2012 Summer in Palo Alto: Part 1
We’ve had a pretty mild and comfortable summer this year in Palo Alto. I’ve been enjoying it so much that I’ve haven’t really capturing it in photos. Fortunately my camera was around my neck a few times this summer. First up, early in June, we bought paneer at Costco and some simmer sauce from Trader Joe’s and made some muttar paneer. The mild summer complimented the muttar paneer and mango lassi.

Next Katherine and Jeff went on an outing and brought back some Oysters. We then had an impromptu party with fresh seafood, grilled corn, watermelon soju. Mmmm

Keito really enjoyed the watermelon soju.

A week later, Kailing was in town and JJ and I along with Dustin and Kailing made some delicious ramen based on Chuko’s vegetarian ramen.

In mid June, I went to Stanford for Cindy’s MS graduation! The mood was great, the weather was great and the reception food was better than Columbia’s ^^.
Sad to see you leave the bay area, Cindy. I’ll come visit you in Socal soon!

I’ll write up the rest of the photos from the summer later this week when I get a chance.