Photowalking New York
For the last few months, I have been seriously considering switching to a minimal camera setup. Currently, I have a DSLR and 3 lenses. It is a great setup in terms of the different situations that it can handle (low light, rooms, large buildings, etc.), but most of my gear just sits on my shelf. That’s why I am thinking of replacing it all with just one camera with a fixed lens.
In May, I impulsively bought a red-eye to New York to visit everyone and celebrate Chithra’s birthday. Instead of bringing my usual camera gear, I rented a Fujifilm X100. I picked it up locally from Borrow Lenses for a little under $10 a day as a first step towards getting comfortable with minimal camera gear. This post is just a dump of miscellaneous photos I took on the trip.
The first thing I saw when I landed is the beautiful TWA Flight Center.

The view from Chithra’s kitchen window.

Old and new near Cooper Union.

I had mixed feelings about the 6 Series Gran Coupe when it was released. After seeing it in person, I have changed my mind. It is both elegant and aggressive. The Germans really have coupé styled sedans down with cars like this, the CLS and the A7.

If I were to own a vehicle in New York, it would have to be something like this café racer.

I really like the chrome headlights in this Targa.

Everyone loves pizza in NYC.

Obligatory long exposure under the Flatiron building.

The jumbos at JFK: a Singapore A380, Lufthansa 747 and Etihad A340 in special Formula One livery.

Our flight path on the way back to SJC from JFK followed a chain of thunderstorms along the way. Being above storms is amazing. It brings a different sense of scale to something that normally seems so immense and powerful.