116 Things to Do at Columbia

A while back, I saw someone post a list of 116 things to do before leaving Columbia. I think this list originates from this Spec Article, but I’m sure lists like this have existed before. Since I just graduated, I decide to look through the list and see how many I finished.

1. Enter the 116th Street gates and sing “Roar, Lion, Roar” on the first night of orientation.
2. Hook up in the Butler stacks.
3. Make a spare key with an old credit card and an X-Acto blade (key-card dorms only).
4. Go to The Cloisters.
5. Eat a slice of Koronet pizza on your way back from 1020.
6. Go to Orgo Night.
7. Go to a World Leaders Forum event and meet the president of a foreign country.
8. Go to a fireside chat. Eat mini burgers and chocolate-chip cookies in PrezBo’s living room.
9. Explore the tunnels.
10. Watch a sunrise over (not in) Morningside Park after pulling an all-nighter.

11. Pretend to be interested in a club to get free swag; get spammed for the next four years.
12. Get sexiled. Sleep in the lounge. I didn’t sleep in the lounge, but close enough
13. Watch the Varsity Show all four years. Notice repetition of tired Barnard jokes.
14. Try to navigate SIPA. Get lost.
15. Go to the campus tree lighting and Yule Log Ceremony.
16. Take the Staten Island Ferry at night.
17. Lock yourself out of your room while in a towel and flip-flops. Proceed to Hartley or the security desk.
18. Pull an all-nighter with the rest of your floor studying for the Lit Hum final.
19. Protest something.
20. Counter-protest something.
21. Make eye contact with someone on the subway. Find them on Craigslist Missed Connections.
22. Sled down the Low Steps on a tray from Hewitt. does a John Jay tray count?
23. Forget to transfer at 96th Street and end up in central Harlem.
24. Actually explore Manhattanville and Harlem.
25. Find the owl on Alma Mater.
26. Rock the glass house.
27. Go to a campus group’s concert.
28. Go to Midnight Breakfast. Get served by Anna Quindlen.
29. Catch someone moving your laundry.
30. Make friends with your security guard and janitorial staff (and buy their CDs).
31. Join PrezBo’s 5K run.

32. Watch a Columbia sporting event.
33. Go to an a cappella concert.

34. Drink on Low Steps.
35. Read a text from every author on Butler. Find out who Demosthenes is and let us know.
36. Participate in a walk of shame.
37. Study abroad. Trust us.
38. Change your major. Twice.
39. Go to mass at Riverside Church or a service at St. John the Divine.
40. Take part in 40s on 40.
41. Enroll in a 9 a.m. or Friday class. Never go.
42. Volunteer with Community Impact.
43. See a movie star filming on campus. Later, point out Columbia scenes to friends while in the theater.
44. Go to a frat party. Once.
45. Sneak onto the roof of Mudd or Sulz for a picnic. wasn’t a picnic, but we did have food
46. Take a class on something you know absolutely nothing about. architecture studio: perception
47. Go to First Fridays at the Guggenheim Musem or First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum.
48. Go to a jazz show at the Village Vanguard.
49. Get parents to pay for dinner at Le Monde.
50. Get a Broadway shake at Tom’s.
51. Find a study spot in Butler. Sleep there to keep it during finals week.
52. Go to the Hungarian Pastry Shop. Realize Artopolis and Café Amrita are better.
53. Spend a vacation on campus while it’s empty. Thanksgiving junior year!!
54. Go to Postcrypt in St. Paul’s Chapel.
55. Watch the spring outdoor show by King’s Crown Shakespeare Troupe or the Fruit Paunch 24-hour improv show.
56. Learn the Columbia fight song.
57. Get a fake ID. Still get rejected from The Heights.
58. Quote a Core text outside of class.
59. Spend a night talking on GChat to people at your table in Butler.
60. Ignore the red flags on South Lawn.
61. Go to the Organization of Pakistani Students’ Hangama.
62. High-five Roar-ee. Don’t get kicked by the visitors’ mascot.
63. Get cited by the RIAA. Get Ruckus—unless you have a Mac.
64. Call CAVA for a friend.
65. Avoid getting CAVA-ed or roofied.
66. Go to Fed Bash.
67. Set foot in all five boroughs.
68. Jump in the fountains on Low Plaza.
69. Participate in Sexhibition.
70. Dress up and go to the Halloween Parade in the Village.
71. Participate in the Greek Games.
72. Regret wearing heels after walking on College Walk.
73. Stay up for 48 hours straight.
74. Write a term paper in 24 hours.
75. Take Back the Night (now including males).
76. Get quoted in Spec. Get commented about on Bwog.
77. Watch the Vagina Monologues on Valentine’s Day.
78. Lose friends in senior regroup.
79. Make the dean’s list.
80. Pass without ever scoring above 60 on a test (SEAS only).
81. Pass without ever reading a book (CC only). Colloquium on Major Texts!
82. Accidentally delete the e-mail about online L-course registration. Get screwed (Barnard only).
83. Walk from the Battery to campus or vice-versa. Wear comfy shoes.
84. Get a sandwich at 212. Don’t pay for it.
85. Watch the naked run. (Avoid Spec cameras if you participate).
86. Take science or lab req. Almost fail out (non-science majors only).
87. Ride the lion statue and spin the molar statue.
88. Get cupcakes at Magnolia’s.
89. Watch a movie at Ferris Reel. Watch CTV sometime.
90. Take the swim test (CC only).
91. Host a prefrosh. I offered but never got the chance
92. Participate in Barnard Spirit Day.
93. Attend Homecoming once—the year you get free beer (seniors only).
94. Seriously consider dropping out. All the cool Columbians have.
95. Use your CUID for free admission to MoMA. A lot. 3 times in a week!
96. Attend a ceremonial religious meal … but not for your religion.
97. Have a drunken hookup. Awkwardly bump into said hookup everywhere.
98. Go to Health Services with a cold. Leave with condoms.
99. Take the M60 to LaGuardia but foot the taxi bill for JFK.

100. Check out the Upright Citizens Brigade, especially the Sunday 9:30 show.
101. Be an orientation leader.
102. Attend a WBAR-B-Q.
103. Go for a run in Riverside Park.
104. Fall over after Dance Marathon.
105. Get confused about the Barnard/Columbia relationship.
106. Make friends with General Studies students who are 10 years older than you.
107. Hear Jeffrey Sachs speak. Experience liberal guilt.
108. Go to a Community Board 9 meeting to find out what the hype is all about.
109. Write a paper based entirely on Wikipedia and Google. Earn a C.
110. Realize the value of research librarians.
111. Check out Citi Field and the new Yankee Stadium, if you can score tickets.
112. Work an off-campus internship during the year.
113. Spend one summer living and working in the city.
114. Read the Spectator every day.
115. Remember that thesis you were supposed to write. Leave bar.
116. Graduate!

It looks like I finished 75 out of 116 at the end. That gives me a score of 65%. I think that is pretty good considering many of them didn’t apply to me and others are things that I wouldn’t be proud of doing anyway.