Week in NY 9/20-9/26/2010
I noticed that the last few years, I have been taking fewer pictures and writing fewer posts on my blog. What better way to fix those problems than to start a weekly photojournal? I’ll start shooting on Monday and post everything on Sunday.
On Monday, I attended one of the World Leaders Forum events. It was called Challenges of the Drylands. It was about the Drylands Initiative, an initiative to help people that live in arid lands in Africa. You can read more about it here and here. It was fairly interesting, but it was quite boring at times. Below is a picture of celebrity professor Jeffrey Sachs speaking at the event.

Here is another picture of a speaker at the event.

Afterwards, I went to Tacqueria y Fonda la Mexicana for Dinner and saw this along the way:

Kiwis were on sale this week. I ended up buying almost a dozen.

For some reason we had a bunch of cards left over from club parties and rush. Look what Phil did with them.

Almost every weekday for lunch I eat a sandwich. It consists of 2 slices provolone, lettuce, a couple slices of tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and mustard on a toasted bagel.

Wednesday was the SEAS Ties and Scarves event. At the event, Dean Peña-Mora presented the men Ties and the women Scarves. Here are my friends and me at the event.

And the ties.

Here is the beautiful view from a classroom in Engineering Terrace.

On Thursday we decided to celebrate Caroline’s birthday. I wanted to make her a rainbow cake. Cindy and Meixin helped me mix the ingredients, split the batter into 6 parts and color them. Here is what the batter looked like.

And the cake after baking!

On Sunday, we went to Maker Faire. It was the first time Maker Faire was held on the east coast. Vinny got a bunch of free tickets at work and took us along! Below is the fair from the distance.


Aliens walking around with some kids.

A typewriter that was repurposed as a iPad keyboard.

A cool ball dropping display that showed probability in action.
There was also a ridiculous “chariot race.” Here are some clips from it:
Finally, I went to the Maker Shed tent to “learn to solder.” Actually, I just wanted the cool badge: