My Picks for the Week

School started last week. It has already become pretty stressful and I haven’t had much time to do anything worth noting. So I decided to start doing a Picks for the Week post. I’ll just pick a few things that have interested me this week and write about them. I guess if I don’t have anything interesting to write about, I will at least have these weekly posts. So here it goes.

1. Mario Kart Love Song: A beautiful song that will touch the geek side of your heart. You’ve probably heard this song already, but just in case here is the YouTube video. This song is also now on iTunes. Since, I still had 10 bucks of iTunes credit left from when I went to the 14th St Apple Store opening in the Meatpacking District, I just went ahead and paid for the song. Yay DRM free music!

2. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham: This is a book prefaced by Warren Buffet and written by the man who taught him at Columbia Business School. I think this is a good primer for building good long term investments. At the beginning, Graham even warns that this is not some book describing how to get rich quick. It is a very well written book though, and I think it is a must read for anyone who isn’t planning on keeping their money under the mattress.

3. The Cult of Mac by Leander Kahney: This is pretty self explanatory. It’s a book detailing Mac Addicts, Fanboys and the like. I, being a Mac Fanboy, have always kept this book on the list of must reads. I just finally got around to it. The cool thing is that this book is available free on the internet. The publisher seeded the book for a while on The Pirate Bay, but there aren’t too many seeds anymore. You could probably find it elsewhere though. If you like Macs, this is a book that is worth reading.

So there we go. Maybe next week I’ll have more picks, but now I need to get back to my school work. If you guys have any suggestions on anything you like that I should check out, just comment on this post or message me.