My Picks for the Week IV

1. 된장찌개 (Dwenjang Chigae): This Korean bean paste stew is absolutely addicting. I’ve had it 5 times already since I discovered it last semester. This dish usually features a variety of vegetables, seafood and even beef (I obviously get a vegetarian version) and is usually served with rice. If you haven’t tried it, run to your nearest Korean restaurant now! I can guarantee you will love it. And make sure it has potato in it. It’s not good without potato.

2. Helvetica: This is a documentary about graphic design and typography, centered around the 1957 typeface. It actually came out 2 years ago, but I am just getting around to watching it. I peeked at the first 5 minutes and am hooked already. Also if you are into this stuff, the guy who produced it (Gary Hustwit) is making another film. It is called Objectified. It is going to be about manufactured objects and the people who design them. An added bonus is that one of the interviews is of Jonathan Ive (Senior Vice President of Industrial Design, Apple Inc) and is set in his studio.

3. Mango Coconut Jelly: I just ate 6 of these. My stomach hurts, but I still want more. That is how good these are. They’re mango jellies with bits of coconut jelly in them. Mmmmmmmmm

4. (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight by Cutting Crew: This is a very old song. I think it came out 3 years before I was born. Nevertheless I love it. This is the song that helped Richard Branson’s Virgin Records take off. It was a Billboard #1 hit for a long time. I was at M2M tonight and heard this song and remembered how much I loved it. I listened to it maybe 20 times today.