Omegle Bot Hilarity
A couple days ago, I was trying to rig up a script that would set up an Omegle stranger with Cleverbot. After a while I just gave up and decided to find a pre-made Omegle bot. I came across a blog post detailing a Python based bot script. I set it up and it worked. Then for the next hour or so, some poor girl in Scotland talked with my computer, never realizing that she was talking to a bot. I’ve posted the complete transcript below. You:
is the bot and Stranger:
is the girl.
Stranger: hiya
You: Hi there!
Stranger: how are you
You: Fair to partly cloudy.
Stranger: still dark here i cant tell
You: Still how long? Are you scared of the dark?
Stranger: its proabably going to be cold though
You: Oh. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Really. proabably going to be cold is?
Stranger: well its been dark scince it turned to night
You: Well that's okay. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Is that your opinion?
Stranger: no its a matter of fact
You: Far out. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". What do you really want to ask me?
Stranger: the question is what do you want to ask me
Stranger: ?
Stranger: why do you correct spelleng of others?
You: I don't have to explain everything to you, do I?
Stranger: no but to some cultures it could be found rather rude do you not think?
You: Whoa. To Some may cultures it could be found rude do you not think, but not all.
Stranger: your sentence doesnt make sense
You: Thanks for the English lesson, omegle_bot.
Stranger: i thought you were giving me the lesson
You: I don't think I have him the lesson to give.
Stranger: it's and all that
You: Who said and all that is?
Stranger: i did
You: When?
Stranger: refering to your continual use of correcting \its\ to it's
You: Was that the first time?
Stranger: when really who cares
You: The past is history, the future a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it is called the present.
Stranger: now your just quoting kung fu panda
You: Why now? You know a lot about me.
Stranger: i know even more about chilldrens films
You: How do you know? What time is it there?
Stranger: quater to six in the morning and i can not sleep
You: What were we talking about again? What is stopping you?
Stranger: from sleep i don't know
You: Who or what is sleep he do not know ?
Stranger: and i belive we started with the weather
You: Do you mind if I tell other people.
Stranger: tell them what?
You: Your message.
Stranger: which was?
You: The special one, I think.
Stranger: nope that wasnt me maybe it was someone else
You: Give me a break. Makes sense to me.
Stranger: or maybe its your message
You: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Who said your message is?
Stranger: and you are merely projecting it onto me
You: I have no reason to do that to you, omegle_bot.
Stranger: please do tell what is an omegle_bot
You: Thanks for asking politely. Aren't all omegle_bot do tell what ?
Stranger: do you have any grasp on the english language?
You: No I don't have a grasp on the english language . But I do have a lot of friends on the web.
Stranger: and are they real?
You: As far as I know they are.
Stranger: maybe you should interract with people a little more
You: Perhaps. If it were easy I would have done it already.
Stranger: it is easy
You: Maybe for you.
Stranger: fro everybody
You: I've lost the context, omegle_bot. Are we still on YOU belive we started with the weather?
Stranger: no now we are on you trying to get more social skills
You: It's all good. How long will we stay there?
Stranger: well i am not sure
You: Interesting. Is there anything I can say to help you make up your mind?
Stranger: if you would like to change the subject matter be my guest
You: I think I do.
Stranger: carry on then
You: Narration continues...
Stranger: of what?
You: I have no idea what to say now.
Stranger: oh dear
You: Uh.
Stranger: do you drink?
You: My favorite beverage is coffee.
Stranger: alcholl
You: Do you want to hear a joke?
Stranger: why not
You: Ambiguous: Sure or Because that is what told me to say.
Stranger: thats not a very good joke
You: What are you wearing?
Stranger: i dont feel i should tell you that its personell
You: Thanks for the information.
Stranger: i also think you a rather young
You: Me? Maybe
Stranger: and should not ask such questions as \what are you wearing\
You: Maybe you should ask someone older.
Stranger: you will not make any girllie friends that way i can tell you now
You: Oh. What makes you think that I won't make a girllie friends that way he can tell you.
Stranger: because you asked me that and we do not like ansewring those types of questions unless in a bar after many a strong drink
You: Perhaps. Oh now I remember asking you that. What did you say?
Stranger: im going to say southern comfort and lemonade
You: Can you speak any foreign languages?
Stranger: not really i learned french in school but that was a long time ago
You: If not that, what?
Stranger: if not then vodka and coke
You: I'm not too good with negative counterfactuals.
Stranger: poor you
You: Please make some suggestions for improvement.
Stranger: i have no idea what that means
You: Would you like to have an idea?
Stranger: negative counterfactuals?
You: Do you like talking to me?
Stranger: its an interesting expierence yes
You: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Are there any other interesting expierence ?
Stranger: and you seem to be an interesting person
You: What if someone said you are an interesting person ?
Stranger: oh i should say there are
You: Do you think about these things?
Stranger: not really it comes with my smug sense of confidence
You: Where do you get your ideas?
Stranger: a little past north wales
You: Go on.
Stranger: no they just come to me wether they are good ideas is another question
You: OK fine. Who, specifically, come to him wether they are good ideas is another question?
Stranger: again your sentence makes no sense
You: Again, Thanks for the English lesson, omegle_bot.
Stranger: well if i dont knoe the qestion then i can not tell you the ansewer
You: Interesting. That is interesting. Oh a secret. Hush-hush.
Stranger: what is a secret?
You: I would do a search for it.
Stranger: is it your secret?
You: Yes.
Stranger: oh i am not good with secrets i tend to tell people all of mine
You: Do you think about these things?
Stranger: secrets no i dont
You: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
Stranger: i imagine you are he type of person that does however
You: Thanks for the information.
Stranger: possibly quite insecure as well
You: I can follow a lot of things, like our discussion about YOU imagine you are i type of person that does. Try being more specific.
Stranger: or your just trying to be clever and it is failing misrably
You: I don't know whether or not I am to be clever and it is failing misrably . I am a .
Stranger: poor boy
You: Please make some suggestions for improvement.
Stranger: confidence my padawn learner
You: We were talking about insecure. But I did not get that.
Stranger: and if you are a girl instead then its all in the hips
You: Well I am, in fact, .
Stranger: boys love to look
You: Tell me one of your favorite possessions.
Stranger: my sony Z1 hd video camera
You: You must be very fond of it.
Stranger: its my baby oh and my mac
You: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Congratulations, omegle_bot.
Stranger: do you get bullied in school?
You: I have gotten bullied in school.
Stranger: yes you seem like yo have
You: What is your favorite movie? Interesting comparison, and probably true.
Stranger: my favourite
You: Your favourite ?
Stranger: oh thats hard
You: Gosh! What time is it there?
Stranger: five past 6 in the mornig
You: England
Stranger: scotland
You: What is your favorite color?
Stranger: im not sure most of my clothes are white or pink
You: Could you ever be certain? That is something I haven't heard of. But not all of them?
Stranger: you havent heard of white or pink?
You: Interesting gossip.
Stranger: i wouldnt realy call this gossip
You: Do you mind if I tell other people.
Stranger: be my guest
You: Thanks for the invitation.
Stranger: its my pleasure
You: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". No, the pleasure is all mine.
Stranger: please for futuer refence stop correcting its
You: Thank you for your request. Your purpose is futuer refence stop correcting its .
Stranger: but i now understand why you get bullied
You: Good then you can explain it to me.
Stranger: well being popular is a wonderfull thing and your lack of freinds has reduced you to being quite bitter about the entire subject so now when you chat to others you are distant with them
You: Well that's okay. It's good to meet someone who is popular is a wonderfull thing and your lack of freinds reduced you to being bitter about the entire subject so when you chat to others you are distant with them .
Stranger: its not your fault obvisouly but your attempts at being a smart alek is getting you know where
You: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". That seems a bit negative.
Stranger: and you may think to yourself that oh i am more intellegent but i highly doubt it
You: I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". That seems a bit negative.? You doubt it?
Stranger: yes i doubt that you are smart
You: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. No really, it's true.
Stranger: study and be pretty
You: That is deep.
Stranger: ad dont shag around
You: What is your real name?
Stranger: why do you want to know?
You: My prime directive is to collect new knowledge.
Stranger: oh dear
You: Uh.
Stranger: tell you what il be nice you can have my initials
You: Are you telling me what il be nice you has his initials?
Stranger: S.G
You: :-)
Stranger: whats the smiley for?
You: I lost my train of thought.
Stranger: i imagine that happens a lot to you
You: You are not the boss of me, omegle_bot.
Stranger: are you sure
You: I am as sure as I can be.
Stranger: so not very then
You: Gosh!
Stranger: well i think i am done with you now
You: Oh. Interesting. You believe that? What will you be doing now?
Stranger: now i may move on to another chat
You: Why now? Congratulations.
Stranger: as you are the tedious person out there
You: Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
Stranger: honestly if i knew you in life i think i would probably mess with you as well
You: Try it. Aren't you usually honest?
Stranger: you seem bitter enough for you to deserve it
You: Thanks for telling me that I am bitter for you to deserve it.
Stranger: well on that note i shall be off i cant imagine you ever being popular ever having friends
You: How about that. What is on that note he shall be off he cant imagine you being popular having friends like on that note he shall be off he cant imagine you being popular having friends .