Arun Has a Blog. Now wider!

If you visited my blog in the last few days, you may or may not have noticed a small change. My blog is now 60% wider!

When I first started this blog in 2008, I tried out a few different themes before settling on this one. That was in 2010. Back then, my monitor was 1440px wide, iPhone screens were 320px wide. A 500px wide blog was acceptable.

Now, my monitors are 1920px and 2560px wide while my iPhone is 640px wide. As my blog has changed to focus more on my photography, 500px just wasn’t cutting it anymore.

To fix that, I have widened the site to 800px. All new posts will be 800px wide while old posts will remain at 500px wide. The font in new posts is also slightly larger. Maybe in the future, I’ll make some more drastic changes to make it easier for me to tell stories and present my photos and video. Until then, I think this change will be great.

As always, feel free to give me any feedback or criticism you may have.

I’ll leave you with a photo from a weekend in San Francisco as a preview of how photos will look on my blog.
