Burma // Part 3: The People

This is the third installation in my series of posts about Burma (1, 2). The focus is on Burmese people.
In my last post, I described Burma (Myanmar) as “a country that is quickly modernizing while still maintaining its culture”. That statement is immediately evident in the people. Walk the streets and you will see people, thanaka smeared on their faces, accessing Facebook on their Android phones. Burmese cultural identity is in flux. I wonder what path it will take as it changes. Western influence has already penetrated deeply.

Men touching up paint at a temple in Yangon

Burmese men playing Chinlone.

Two monks at Shwemawdaw Pagoda.

A monk overlooking the plains in Bagan.

Two Kayan women.

Tourists photographing a young monk at the Shwenandaw Monastery.